How I Got Started With Personal Development

And How You Can Too

Max Saris
3 min readJan 18, 2022
Photo by Shiromani Kant on Unsplash

Where my journey started

In the summer of 2018, I hadn’t even heard of personal development. I wasn’t doing anything with my life, I was wasting my youth away with video games and other entertainment.

The Challenge

After the summer of 2018, my brother proposed to me the idea of a challenge. This challenge would completely change the trajectory of both of our lives.

The idea was that every day, for one week, we’d meditate at least 20 minutes per day. We were also meant to watch at least one video from a personal development channel.

Me being competitive, I ended up doing well over an hour of meditation on most days. And of course, I watched more than one video per day.

After the seven days were over, we saw no reason to stop. We were seeing the potential of personal development. We ended up continuing this challenge for close to a year, meditating and watching a video every single day.

Photo by Silviu Zidaru on Unsplash

The snowball-effect

I started meditating for a longer and longer time every day. At my peak, I did 2–3 hours every single day. I started seeing results, and fast, which made me get even more into personal development.

I picked up more and more habits, such as journaling, concentration practice, self-inquiry, stretching, cold showers, and most importantly, reading.

Before this, I hadn’t read a single book in English, let alone a 650-page non-fiction book. After reading that one, I read another non-fiction book, and then another…

You can imagine my parents were surprised when I started reading so much all of a sudden, let alone me reading difficult philosophy books.

Photo by Lilly Rum on Unsplash

At this point, a couple of months after the challenge, I had the three most important habits in place, meditation, fitness, and reading. They are so-called keystone habits.

Keystone habits are habits that snowball, habits that affect many aspects of your life. fitness can for example not only affect your physical health, but also your confidence.


Today, I am still meditating every day, working out almost every day, and reading most days too. The growth I have gotten from doing all this has completely changed who I am. I would not be writing this blog had I not started the challenge with my brother.

What you can do

Give yourself a challenge, find that something that sparks you like me and my brother’s challenge did for me. It can be losing weight, starting a side business, working on your social skills, or anything like that.

Create a vision for what kind of life you want, and start working on it today!

You’re never too young, too old, or anything like that. Anyone can change their life with a vision, so start today…



Max Saris

🏆Self-development enthusiast 🏃‍♂️Runner 🔴YouTuber 📃Student