I Meditated 2h every day for a week

This is what I learned

Max Saris
3 min readJan 26, 2022
Photo by Juan Arreguin on Unsplash

Why I did it

Last Monday I said, “f*ck it, I’m meditating for two hours every day for a week”.

For the past year, I’ve been meditating consistently every day, but only for short bursts of time. Most days for only 5 minutes. I wanted to change that. I figured that meditating for two hours every day would make 20 minutes feel like nothing.

Photo by Mario Calvo on Unsplash

How the week went

I had only been doing around five minutes of meditation before I started the challenge. Because of that, you can imagine that the first two hours were extremely difficult.

During the last 30 minutes before the timer rang, I started thinking the classic thoughts like, “I did put the timer on right?”, “It must’ve gone two hours already”.

That of course makes time move even slower. It made it even harder. It was like that on most days during the week. I always wanted the timer to ring so badly.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash


In the end, I managed to complete the challenge. As expected, now meditating for 20 minutes feels like nothing.


Another benefit I experienced was increased awareness of my surroundings and inner world. Imagine increasing the resolution of your senses from 480p to 1080p. I saw more detail in my environment. When it came to my inner world, I was able to notice my thoughts easier. This enabled me to catch myself in negative thought patterns before they affected my mood.

Other than that, I became a tad bit calmer and felt a bit happier.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

My recommendations

Would I recommend you do a week of meditation like me? Yes and no. It was a positive experience and I got some growth out of it, but meditating consistently is far more effective at giving you tangible results.

It’s better to meditate 5–10 minutes per day consistently than do a week of meditation once a year.

But if you already meditate consistently, then I urge you to try to challenge yourself by meditating for longer periods of time. I don’t know what’s most effective for you, but for me, I find the most effective time to be between 20 minutes to an hour a day.



Max Saris

🏆Self-development enthusiast 🏃‍♂️Runner 🔴YouTuber 📃Student